Wk 12 — Art Activity — New Friends

Charlie Valles

At the beginning of the project, I knew Charlie from a breakout room that our Art 110 Professor put us in. From there, Charlie reached out on instagram to be my partner and I was very excited. After completing the project and talking on instagram, I know Charlie a lot more and I do believe it is a way to meet people during this pandemic isolation. Another way to get more familiar with people is through discord. It is a great way to stay in contact with friends and to make new ones. The platform Charlie and I used was instagram. In a way it really helped because as well as talking with him, I was able to scroll through his old post and see what he is like. Padlet was very different from what I have used in the past, such as photoshop or adobe create. It is a great platform to use however it didn’t have the small detailed stuff I wanted, for example, small arrows or a burst of a sparkle. I don’t think I would like if my goal was to be professional connections.

